Wednesday, December 16, 2009



dah lama giler x update blog..rasa betapa malasnyer nak tulis..oookayy..

4,5,6 Disember...

my family and i + mak ngah,gajahz and donaz went to SINGAPORE...huhuhu..agak best tapi penat naik bas...rasa macam naik aeroplane but nama bus tu Aeroline..dapat makan and watch movies..masa kitorang pergi diorang bagi makan sandwich subway then masa balik they bagi nasi+ayam and ada lar lagi..and then lepas makan that abang or kakak but my bus that abang lar..he will asked nak coffee or tea or milo...and i nak milo..huhu bila sampai kat imigresen singapore that orang asked my mom byk giler umur brape dapat i/c? kenapa datang singapore and more...then we checked-in and pergi makan kat Raffles Hospital and kat sana i've been wondering why there's so many Raffles at singapore? i mean the hospital named Raffles and the road and macam2 lagi lar...then,i baru igt yg raffles dulu menjajah singapore..(dah keluar dah sejarah aku)...malam tu,we pergi visited my nenek..kesian dia..then we jalan2 at Bugis Junction..then balik hotel,maen UNO with gajahz and donaz...

second day,pg we pergi zoo..penat giler jalan..and i dapat tengok elephant..they were jalan2 depan i..and the white tiger...takut seyh..then we pergi makan at Arab street..(oh ya..lupa nak ckp after tgk nenek we pergi makan murtabak singapore at Arab Street..)SEDAP!!
then we pergi SENTOSA but x tgk that whatever things coz hujan..after that,we pergi beli CHOCOLATE!!!!then,we pergi ORCHARD ROAD!!..x banyak shopping lar...penat seyh...malam tuh,we pegi Bugis Junction b'coz nk beli t-shirt singapore then pergi shopping kat apa ntah nama mall tuh...

third day,pegi shopping balik....after that balik..time nak tunggu bas tu we shopping balik!!! then we nampak abang yang sama masa naik bas...huhuhu...

7,8,9 Disember at Terengganu

ookayy..lepas penat giler balik Singapore esok tuh we pegi Terengganu coz my cousin bertunang..

the first day sampai giler malam..terus tido..pagi tuh mandi giler sejuk coz our house tepi pantai...then,pagi pegi Pasar sikit..then,pergi rumah kak Munirah..masa sampai uncle called me.."girl..girl"...i was liked..apahal? then,dia cakap bawak hantaran...hahaha..then,balik..malam tu we makan seafood...SEDAP!!OH YA...lepas balik from kak munirh's house i and kak jaja pergi tepi pantai..and yes!! that people kat situ said that we all giler jakun liked x pernah nmpak laut..hhahahah..WHO CARES!!!

the last day...pagi we shopping kat Pasar Payang....then,pegi tengok CRYSTAL MOSQUE then,pegi beli keropok lekor..then,pegi rumah Datuk Sulaiman..then balik..i naik kereta abang iwan..dia bawak laju giler..160km-180km...




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