LUXURY OF LIFE??! *nehhhh*
the topic for choral speaking...please don't ask me if i have remind all the script. NOT AT ALL except my line and the introduction :)
this year i'm gonna celebrate my birthday ALONEEEEE!!!
Mak will be at Indonesia. Kak Long will be at India. and me gonna be at HOME...ALONE....
i think i wanna meet that ABANG MONYET..*pssst* walaupun abang "monyet"=monkey, he drive blue's my dream car*** okay back to the topic, Abang Monyet, can u belanja me blueberry cheese cake?? huhuhu...
In your dreams lah dia nk belanja ko bluberry cheesecake....tahun ni aku celebrate x tau lagi..kita celebrate birthday sama2 nk??? aku ari isnin, ko ari ahad.. hmmm..aku mintak ayah aku belanja kenny rogers (teringin nk mkn mcm kat UK punya pasal)