Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding

OMG!!! It's 29 April 2011 !!!

Prince William and Kate Middleton wedding. I just came back from school and i've totally forgot about their wedding because i go straight to have my lunch. After that, Baby and Hanis told me about this wedding and I'm like crazy super crazy person !!!! and yeah unfortunately i'm not in England right now..

this is for you Prince William and Princess Kate <3

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

sweet sixteen

Dear people,

Last sunday, i've turned 16. and yes! i went out with Nurul Ameerah to Sunway and we watched THE ROOMMATE.

it's kinda scary movie yeah... my mom is not around with me. she went to Indonesia with my aunty and untill now still not back. i think my weight lose because i don't get enough food when my mum not around.

next week, wednesday,thursday and friday, i'm going to Expedisi Camp at Ampang Pecah. it's near to my hometown. i can't wait for it but i have to study because exam just like 2 weeks from now...

i have to go.

p/s: i'm single on my birthday :D

Sunday, April 10, 2011

luxury of life

Dear people,

LUXURY OF LIFE??! *nehhhh*

the topic for choral speaking...please don't ask me if i have remind all the script. NOT AT ALL except my line and the introduction :)

this year i'm gonna celebrate my birthday ALONEEEEE!!!

Mak will be at Indonesia. Kak Long will be at India. and me gonna be at HOME...ALONE....

i think i wanna meet that ABANG MONYET..*pssst* walaupun abang "monyet"=monkey, he drive blue's my dream car*** okay back to the topic, Abang Monyet, can u belanja me blueberry cheese cake?? huhuhu...


so sad :(

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Adam TIPU saya

Dear people,

begitulah tajuk entri ku kali ini...yeah like my last post..Adam gonna "MOVE" to MRSM...

i know it !!!!! he lied to me... this is it....

Aida Syahirah Azman April 2 at 6:08pm
Dear mr.csi,

hehehe..sorry for calling u mr.csi....hehehe...btw, i'm sure u buzy with ur MRSM...i still can't believe that u're going... :(

anyway, Adam, i'm thinking who wants to chat and fight about stupid things like food with me after this??? I'm gonna miss you..:(

take care of yourself and have fun kay...

p/s: i will jaga aisya for you :P hehhe

Mohamad Adam April 3 at 8:07pm Report
hahahahaahahahahahaha.... u seriously believe me ah? :P
APRIL FOOL! but too late ady.... -,-

ya allah!!!! sabar je lar dengan mamat sorang nie.....

Friday, April 1, 2011

you make me cry

Dear people,

Finally MSSD ends. there's a lot of homework i have to do. aiyooohhhh!!!

The sad part is, i just chat with Mohamad Adam. this is what we chat about.

how are u?
alhamdulillah sihat jer..
but penat sikit lar..
finally MSSD habis
eh ]
i cm nk nangis ah
next week i masuk MRSM
dpt dkt kuala lipis
jap..i check ada x mrsm kat kuala lipis
adalah !
janganlar tipu i..:(
org serious lah
tk best ah!
i nak nangis nie
u nak pegi ker?
my dad suruh
bila u pegi?
adam :'( u x tipu i kan??
jgnlar pegi
nnti boleh jumpa lagi
klau cuti
i nangis tau tak..:'(
apa nk buat
eh i gtg
:( :(

Adam, i think this is not April Fool...if after this u cakap April Fool, u memang kena..but it's okay kan...Kuala Lipis bukannyer jauh sangat..dekat Pahang je kan...

PAHANG?! thank you for makes me cry :( Gonna miss you MR.CSI :(
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