Friday, February 26, 2010

we are the world


sorry lama x update just bz with schools... everyone knows that school is the second house for the students...i have so many things to do...

buat kali kedua pegi house practice and dp msk list lontar peluru then jumpa with kak siska (my clarinet teacher) dia dah KURUS!!!


folio geo (DONE)
there's no KP so i pegi pusat akses with Intan Azalea and Rohatira...then,the junior mintak tandatangan...I X SUKA DIA!!! ANNOYING GILER!!.

QM meeting for sukantara..have to jaga lontar peluru side..
agama notes for Saidina Khalid Al-Walid
rehat with wafa
FOLIO SEJARAH (ELEMEN1 have to hantar next week)
science (the first time everyone x sleepy) COOL RIGHT???!!
english study abou the gap between us and family....
then teacher said she would'nt let her son hang-out with friends untill finish high school
then i said:
AIDA: he's a boy lar teacher!
Teacher: so? what's the different between boys and girls...
some girl: i wish my mom like u...BE FAIR!!!

it's 12.08 pm


Saturday, February 6, 2010


dah lama x update blog...buzy sangat2... ari nieh merentas desa so mcm biasa duty and tangkap pi byk2 use anisa's camera...

all the semai's girl dah pindah skolah baru..last monday jumpa diorang...sedih sangat..afiqah,marjana,marzila and alwani...all the gang dah hilang..sedih giler:(

good school got the HPS...yeay..i know it seems like ok lar...the school want to buil swimming pool...and more facilities...and the good-good-good news is WAFA is BACK!!!!!! rindu giler kat wafa..and dia bising coz byk hmwrk kena buat..chill la beb! i saw the tmpt kena jahit was 5.5cm... scary seyh..

back to merentas desa...while waiting them reach school, izazi,kak meera (our ex-student),me and this girl..i don't know what her name:)..actually we just nk ubah parkingkereta kak meera jer but kitorg pegi 7-E...that abang looks me like "apa bende yg budak ni bwk"..hahaha..i was holding the green flag with the batang...hahaha...and we saw SU girl..saja main2kan lah..actually we just waved at them..and they run in front of our school and this group of boys said "bukanke kiter abis dekat dlm skolah nie" poyo seyh...yang lain ok jer...

hanis and amir coming back to Malaysia may next year!!! whoooo!!!!!!!! ILOVEUGUYS!! MUAHMUAHMUAHM UAH!!!

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